
When Should I Service My Windshield Wipers

Your windshield wipers are what clear your field of vision whenever you’re driving in inclement weather. These important accessories are often overlooked, but it’s extremely important that they’re in good working condition at all times. You can’t predict the weather, so you need to have properly working wipers in order to see when you drive. If you’re not sure how or when to have your wiper blades serviced or repaired, read on for a few warning signs.

Things to Look Out For

Your wiper blades will tell you when they’re in need of help. One example? They start to make an extremely annoying, almost abrasive sound. This means that the rubber on the blades is worn and it can no longer make smooth, precise contact with your windshield. If they look like they’re misshapen or bowed out, this is another red flag that the rubber part of the wiper blades are in trouble. When you turn on your windshield wipers at high speed and they’re barely making contact with your window, it’s time to consider a replacement.

Other signs of a problem are if the actual frame of your wipers are bent. The blades are held by a metal frame that can warp or stretch over time. Hot weather, fluctuating temperatures, and just general wear and tear can cause the wiper’s frame to lose its proper shape. If you use the wipers and notice a haze or a mark left behind, it’s also time to have them serviced. Anything that appears to be out of the norm is generally a sign that your wiper blades are in need of attention.

What You Can Do

Windshield wipers accumulate everything from dead leaves to basic dirt and grime. You can clean the blades by using a soft cloth or paper towel along with some rubbing alcohol. Gently wipe the blades clean and let them dry. Do a test run to see if the cleaning rectified the problem. If it’s not a matter of a dirt blade, then you’ll likely need to get them replaced entirely. Remember that in some states, it’s required that your windshield wipers are in good condition in order to pass inspection.

One other issue with wiper blades is that the motor itself is no longer working, and so the blades can’t move across your windshield at all. If this is the case, bring your vehicle in for an inspection so we can make the needed repairs.

For all your vehicles repair and maintenance needs, bring your car into Auto Solutions in Orlando, FL or give us a call today.


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