
What Will I Notice if My Car’s Alternator Is Dying?

Generally, your car’s alternator should generate anywhere from 13.5 volts to 14.5 volts. This is a sign of a healthy alternator. You can expect to get approximately seven to 10 years out of your alternator. Once your vehicle is this old, the alternator may start to die. Auto Solutions lists the signs of a dying alternator below. This is what you will notice if your car’s alternator is going out.

ALT/GEN/Battery Light

One of the first things that might happen is you may end up with a dashboard warning light that is illuminated. Depending on your vehicle’s make and model, the light will be ALT, GEN, or a battery-shaped light. When this light turns on, this is an indication of an electrical problem that could be caused by a dying alternator.

Burning Wire Smell

We said above that the alternator generates 13.5 volts to 14.5 volts. When the alternator starts to malfunction, it may try to generate more voltage and, as a consequence, you may smell burning wires in your engine. This can open you up to the danger of an electrical fire.

Dead Battery/Hard Starts

It may be difficult to get your car, truck, or utility vehicle started when the alternator is dying. This is because the alternator is not powering the battery to keep it charged. Even if you jump-start the battery, the alternator will be unable to maintain its charge and it will die quickly.

Dim/Overly Bright Lights

If the battery is not maintaining a charge, you will notice that your lights are getting dimmer as the battery is dying. If the alternator is trying to produce too much voltage, your lights may be overly bright. Either sign is an indication of a problem with the alternator.

Malfunctioning Accessories

The alternator also powers many of your vehicle’s accessories. For example, assume for the moment that your alternator is going bad. If this is the case, you may notice that it takes much longer for your power windows to open and close. This is just one example.

Stalling Frequently

Finally, a faulty alternator can make your vehicle stall frequently. The reason why is simple: It’s not providing ample power to the spark plugs. When this happens, the spark plugs misfire or fail to fire at all. This can cause your automobile to stall all the time.

Auto Solutions in Orlando, FL, is here to help, so give us a call today. We can test your alternator and replace it if it’s dying.

photo by loraks from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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