
What Is the Catalytic Converter and Does it Go Bad?

The catalytic converter is part of your vehicle’s exhaust system. As the exhaust exits the combustion chamber, it is pushed through the catalytic converter so it can convert any carbon monoxide found in the exhaust to carbon dioxide. The catalytic converter can go bad, especially if it gets clogged. Auto Solutions lists the signs of the faulty catalytic converter below. If your vehicle is experiencing any of these symptoms, bring it to our shop as soon as possible.

Acceleration/Engine Lag

The catalytic converter can indirectly affect how much air and fuel is in the combustion chamber for burning. If it is clogged, the exhaust will remain in the combustion chamber and create problems for the engine combustion. When this happens, you will notice that your vehicle lags, both when you press down on the accelerator and when you are driving at higher speeds. Unfortunately, this sputtering engine performance will continue until you replace the faulty catalytic converter.

Black Engine Exhaust

Another thing that can happen when the catalytic converter is clogged is you can end up with black exhaust smoke coming out of your tailpipe in spurts or in an even flow. This is a sign that your engine is burning excess fuel. This can be dangerous depending on how much fuel is being burned. It’s important to have the source of the black exhaust diagnosed right away to avoid potential engine fires. It might be a malfunctioning catalytic converter or a problem with your oxygen sensor or mass airflow sensor.

Rotten Egg Odors

One issue that points to the catalytic converter without question is the smell of rotten eggs in your vehicle’s exhaust. Aside from smelling this unpleasant odor in your exhaust, you may also smell it coming from the engine and from underneath your automobile. A rotten egg odor definitely points to a problem with the catalytic converter. The only other time you might smell rotten eggs is around your battery if it is leaking.

Excessive Heat

Finally, a malfunctioning catalytic converter will create excessive heat underneath your automobile. Unfortunately, this heat will travel upward and cause your engine to overheat. When you combine an overheating engine with all of the symptoms listed above, it’s a safe bet you need to replace your catalytic converter. It’s particularly important that your catalytic converter functions the way it should to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Call Auto Solutions in Orlando, FL, today if you are experiencing any of the problems listed above. We can inspect your catalytic converter and replace it if necessary.

photo by deepblue4you from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro

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