In rare cases, you can drive on a broken axle, but you’ll know there’s something wrong. A broken axle is serious suspension damage. The axle transfers the torque produced by your vehicle’s transmission to power your wheels, so they turn. You can crack or break an axle if you’re in an accident or if you drive over road hazards. If you suspect you’ve got a broken axle, bring your vehicle into Auto Solutions as soon as possible to avoid additional damage that could strand you instantly. Here are signs you’ve got a broken axle or other suspension damage.
You Hear Clunking
Because the axle works directly with the transmission to turn your wheels, you will hear a loud clunking or sputtering noise once you put your vehicle into gear. The transmission cannot transfer power to a broken axle, and the clunking sounds will indicate that there is a struggle going on underneath your automobile. You will likely hear the noise at the source of the problem, i.e., if the axle is cracked or broken toward the front of your car, truck, or C/SUV, that’s where you’ll hear the clunking.
You Feel Vibration
If the axle damage isn’t so severe that you can still drive your automobile, you will feel a vibration in the area where the crack or break is. For example, assume for a moment that your axle is cracked near your front, driver-side wheel. You will feel your vehicle vibrate from this area, especially when you make a left-hand turn. You will also feel the vibration increase as you accelerate. The greater the damage, the greater the vibration. In fact, some drivers report it feels and sounds more like rumbling than a vibration.
You’re Stranded
Finally, as we mentioned above, a broken axle can strand you instantly. If the damage to your axle is severe, it will not be able to turn your wheels. You might start up your vehicle in the morning only to find yourself unable to move when you put it in gear. You might also experience a catastrophic axle failure as you’re driving that will stop your automobile’s motion right away. It’s best not to drive your vehicle if you suspect you have axle damage. Have your car, truck, or utility vehicle towed to us instead.
Auto Solutions in Orlando, FL, maintains and repairs vehicle suspension systems. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment if you suspect you have axle or suspension damage.